A water filtration system is essential to keeping the public safe and healthy, as these systems prevent harmful contaminants from coming into contact with consumers. Companies working in this industry have a huge responsibility to make sure their products are free from defects, and should their products fail, it can have devastating consequences. Not only are lawsuits possible with defective systems, but there is also a public health crisis that can arise from contamination.
Signs a System Has Failed
Water undergoes treatment at a facility to ensure it is safe for human consumption, but it comes into contact with new contaminants on the journey to the home. Even the best water filtration system could fail over time without the proper attention, so it’s essential to take care of the system and prevent the water from being compromised.
Changes in the system filters are evident through the water’s color, odor, or taste. Test your water filtration system’s effectiveness if you notice a difference.
Ways To Test a Water Filter
It’s essential to test your water before and after it makes its way through the filtration system. Experts call it performance testing since it evaluates how efficiently the filter is at removing contaminants. A whole filtration system is the healthiest way to filter water because it comprehensively addresses the water coming into the house and the most significant number of contaminants.
Full Performance Test
With a full performance test, you need to do separate tests. One will test the water before it is filtered, and the other will test the filtered water. The first test establishes the contaminants in the water, while the second results will show how effectively the filter removed the contaminants. A successful filter will significantly reduce the key parameters and reveal no new pollutants in the treated water.
Post-Treatment Test
With a post-treatment, experts can analyze the water after it passes through the filter. It will determine the quality and safety of the drinking water you consume. Likewise, you will be able to see the level of contaminants present in the water. You won’t have a comparison to make with the amount present before filtration. This testing method is less expensive and can still be used to determine how safe your filtered water is, but it doesn’t reveal how effective the filtration system is.
Water testing can do more than determine how safe drinking water may be. By using a full performance test, it can also show how effective a particular filtration system is. An accredited water testing laboratory should conduct all tests to ensure the accuracy of the results.
About Watercolor Management
Watercolor Management has insured the water industry for over 30 years. Our policies include unlimited defense cost coverage in the event of a lawsuit against you. Call us at (855) 929-0824 or email info@watercolormanagement.com for a quick quote for your Water Business Professional, Products/Completed operations, Pollution and General Liability Insurance.