Water plays an essential role in the production of oil and gas. Without it, companies can’t optimize their system and generate consistent revenue. But maybe you’re not sure about the details that go into water treatment for oil and gas purposes.
If you’re wondering why water is so prevalent in this industry let’s take a further look at what makes water treatment imperative in the oil and gas industry.
Water Treatment and Oil & Gas
When oil and gas are produced in a reservoir, water also seeps through. This is because the two major rock types that are drilled (sandstone and limestone) are incredibly porous, meaning that fluids can pass through easily. Since all of these things are produced in the reservoir, they end up having to be separated. That’s where water treatment production makes an appearance. Something has to be done in order to properly separate the oil, gas and water for use later.
There are two types of waters to know of: connate (trapped in the rock) and formation (trapped below the cap rock) water. These waters are not entirely clean once they come out; there’s residual oils and gases to think about, meaning there’s no drinking here.
Once these waters are available at the plant, they are often discharged back into the sea or neighboring rivers. This is why water treatment is essential; without it, every oil company is permanently polluting the water.
Treating Oily Waters
The first initial water treatment was through mineral treatment technologies, but techniques have greatly improved over the years. At this point, companies are able to completely remove oil droplets from water through the use of gravitational pull and increasing droplet size so the job gets done faster.
Through reducing the level of oil and hydrocarbons in it, a water treatment plan will make the water safe enough to be released into rivers and oceans. However, this isn’t the only way water treatment can be beneficial to an oil conglomerate.
Water can also be used to treat oil and gas before it’s dispersed to the public. Water can also be used to flush oil into production wells. Not only can water properly maintain the pressure of a reservoir, but it’s going to draw out more oil as well. And the more oil recovered means there’s more money to be made. But that money can’t be made without water treatment insurance and a comprehensive plan for your company.
About Watercolor Management
WaterColor Management has insured the water industry for over 30 years. Our policies include unlimited defense cost coverage in the event of a lawsuit against you. Call us at (256) 260-0412 or email info@watercolormanagement.com for a quick quote for your Water Business Professional, Products/Completed operations, Pollution and General Liability Insurance.