The greatest threat to water is happening, affecting farms that could produce issues for years to come. Water is an essential resource known to the human race, but unfortunately, it is under attack. A myriad of threats stand to compromise the quality and quantity of water resources, and this problem is particularly troublesome for farmers who rely on water for their work.
The Greatest Threat to Water: Steps to Prevent Drought
There are several steps that farmers can take to protect their water supply and fight against common threats. Investing in fidelity & crime insurance is one strategy that may offer protection from liabilities that emerge throughout the water management process.
Events That Impact Fidelity & Crime Insurance
Many events can pose a threat to farmers’ ability to access water. Drought, for example, may leave an area with scarce water reserves for weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes human mismanagement threatens the water supply rather than natural occurrences, though. A farmer in Washington proved this when he was fined $304,000 for allegedly stealing water to irrigate his crops. Farmers need fidelity & crime insurance to protect against water theft and other related liabilities.
Groundwater Mismanagement
Groundwater offers a rich and reliable source of clean, potable water. Unfortunately, this supply is often mismanaged and contaminated, so it is no longer viable for agricultural use. There are many ways this can happen, but one of the most common causes is destructive extraction practices. Farmers must access groundwater carefully by drilling a well that reaches the aquifer below the surface. Unfortunately, some people drill haphazardly and compromise the integrity of the water in the process.
Pollution is yet another common problem affecting farmers’ access to clean water. It’s widespread in arid areas that are prone to drought. In these areas, wastewater processing is often the best solution to a lack of potable water. When farmers use recycled wastewater to water crops, it can contribute to flooding that causes fertilizers, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals to seep into the groundwater and run into lakes. It can further devastate local ecosystems by killing fish and disrupting the natural balance of the water supply.
Fidelity & Crime Insurance for Farmers and Water Treatment Professionals
Farmers face many risks, and water shortages are one of the most urgent. Even in areas where water is plentiful, many factors may compromise its quality or cause other liabilities to emerge. It is why farmers need fidelity & crime insurance and rural water insurance. These policies can shield agricultural professionals from their job’s many risks. More importantly, it can cover the liabilities that often come from using chemicals throughout the farming process. Insurance agents should partner with their farming clients to cover these risks.
About Watercolor Management
Watercolor Management has insured the water industry for over 30 years. Our policies include unlimited defense cost coverage in the event of a lawsuit against you. Call us at (855) 929-0824 or email info@watercolormanagement.com for a quick quote for your Water Business Professional, Products/Completed operations, Pollution and General Liability Insurance.