1.7 million workers are involved in the United States water industry in some form, all the way down to infrastructure. It’s not just about specifically working with water. There’s going to be administration professionals and more in the background making everything run. Without them, there’s vital construction, engineering and governing that wouldn’t be done. Long-term and maintenance is essential for the country’s drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and green infrastructure facilities.
Water workers are needed everywhere from rural areas to metropolitan areas. However, the water treatment force faces a lot of problems; with a shortage in water professionals and their occupations, the industry has faced a roller coaster staying afloat.
Since the water treatment industry is vital to the health of the public, it’s clear that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Providing safe and clean water is the main goal of the water industry. Someone has to be trained in the field. These are the current issues facing the water treatment workforce and how they can be combated.
Jobs Aren’t Available. Workers Aren’t Qualified Enough
Water and Wastes Digest Magazine found that many workers are jumping into the workforce with a couple problems. There’s not enough job positions available and the amount of workers qualified for these certain positions isn’t exactly there either. In fact, shrinking in labor is expected to continue.
However, the want to work in the industry is still high. In order to fix this, the water treatment workforce has to make sure that everyone is properly trained to handle these kinds of job positions. Because of the state of the economy, many baby boomers have also still yet to retire. This means that a lot of jobs are not opening up as fast as they could.
Thanks to an insufficient employee candidate pool, limited budgets and scarce hirings, the water treatment industry continues to hold these particular issues in the workforce.
Ways to Combat the Problem Before it Gets Worse
Experts have found that the best way to combat problems in the water treatment industry is through higher education. Expanding recruitment, improving training efforts and responding to other workforce needs is the job of everyone in the industry. Along with proper training and education, it is important that water treatment businesses have specialized Water Treatment Insurance programs and risk management that will protect them against all of the industry’s liabilities. By protecting these companies and their workers, the industry will be able to see a greater growth rate.
While not every region is the same, having a basic understanding of what every area needs in order to function is crucial for the water treatment workforce. If conversations can be started, collaborations are made and actions are considered, then that’s a good start to fixing these longstanding problems that continue to plague this particular industry.
About Watercolor Management
WaterColor Management has insured the water industry for over 30 years. Our policies include unlimited defense cost coverage in the event of a lawsuit against you. Call us at (256) 260-0412 or email info@watercolormanagement.com for a quick quote for your Water Business Professional, Products/Completed operations, Pollution and General Liability Insurance.